February Teacher Feature: Ms. Ullmann

February Teacher Feature: Ms. Ullmann

Photo submitted by Ms. Ullmann.

Grace Strelow

February’s teacher feature goes to Ms. Lauren Ullmann. Before becoming a teacher at Hamilton, Ullmann also attended Hamilton as a student. Some of the teachers she had that still teach here today include: Ms. Wainio, Mrs. Trafficante, Mr. Heckman, Mr. Seely, Mrs. Block, Ms. Hinytz, Señora Sumiec, Mrs. Hillmann, Mrs. Draeger, Mr. Wetherall, Mrs. Winters, Mr. Bosley, Mr. Simays, and Ms. Swanson. After finishing high school, she attended UW-Eau Claire where she gained her teaching degree. Ullmann has now been a teacher for three years, two of them being here at HHS, and one year at a Milwaukee public school. 

Ullmann also helps out with a lot of the school’s sports and clubs. She coaches girls golf during the fall and softball during the spring. She is also an adviser for Ski and Board Club and Amplify. It’s no secret that Ms. Ullmann puts lots of time and effort into these activities. 

Mr. Holloway, a fellow Amplify club advisor, adds, “I have never seen Lauren Ullmann in front of a class of children, so I cannot confirm she is even a teacher here, but I can say there are very few people in this building more dedicated to the school's co-curriculars than her. She coaches sports, helps run Amplify, and I've even run into her at a forensics tournament. I believe that Hamilton students can learn so much in a co-curricular that they really are an extension of the classroom. The fact that she is always willing to lengthen her workday or workweek to ensure students have these opportunities is a testament to her kindness and character. We are lucky to have her in the building.”

This past semester, Ms. Ullmann had a teaching assistant for one of her gym classes. Senior Rachel Rank says this about working with Ullmann: “Ms. Ullmann never fails to make anyone in the room laugh. I am fortunate enough to have been her first TA. I loved spending every third block with her and collaborating as a team on everything. She makes genuine connections with her classes and I was lucky to have learned from her. She has cool shoes.”

When Ms. Ullmann is not coaching, advising, or teaching, she likes to golf, ski, play pickleball, watch other sports, as well as travel and relax in the sun.

Mrs. Schneider, a friend and fellow HHS teacher, adds this about Ms. Ullmann: “Ms. Ullmann is one of the most genuine people I know. She has a love of learning and making connections with students. She fully supports all students at HHS in their extra curricular activities and you can often find her on the sidelines at sporting events cheering students on. I love hanging out with Ullmann because she always makes me laugh! Working through her life crises is often fun as they are not truly crises at all! Ullmann is always up for a good time whether it be on the lake boating or at a Badger game; she knows how to make everyone's time enjoyable! Thanks for all you do for students and colleagues to make HHS a brighter place.”

Read on to learn more about Ms. Ullmann!

What is a song you will never get tired of? Why?

“Country Roads, Take Me Home by John Denver” - I feel like it's just a feel-good song, and it reminds me of skiing out in the mountains. 

What color describes your personality, why?

Yellow… I genuinely think I am a cheerful person and I try to spread kindness to others. 

Who from the school would you team up with during a zombie apocalypse? Why?

Hands down, I would team up with Ms. Hinytz! She is calm under pressure, and she knows a ton of survival tips and tricks. She also practically saved my life from food poisoning, but you’ll have to ask her for that story! 

What do you wish you invented? How come?

Gum… so many people buy it, and then I’d have a lifetime supply of it! 

What is the best advice you have ever received?

“Do good and good will follow.”

What is the worst grade to teach, what’s the best? 

I have experience teaching PE with preschool through high school-aged students, and honestly, I like all levels for different reasons… but obviously high school students are the best. 

If you could change one thing about Hamilton, what would it be? Why?

I would add a school-wide siesta hour! 

If you could teach any other subject besides the one you are teaching, what would it be and why?

I’d probably want to teach psychology… besides the fitness ed classes, psychology was my favorite class I took in high school. I find the human mind and human behavior to be fascinating. 

What is your favorite sport to play, what is your favorite to watch?

Although it drives me crazy, my favorite sport to play is golf especially when I am beating Mr. Seely and Mr. Heckman on the course. My favorite sport to watch is a toss-up between football and volleyball. 

What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?

Where does a thought go when it's forgotten? 

Would you rather go back in time 100 years, or forward in time 100 years? Why?

I’d go back in time 100 years because I’d already know what to expect, versus the future, which is unknown. 

What is your favorite place to go to when you need a break? Why?

This might sound weird but my car. It's the one place I can go for some peace and quiet and know that nobody will bother me. It is also my favorite place to talk on the phone!

What is your favorite snack? 

Dark chocolate pretzel crisps from Costco. Mrs. Schneider knows!

What is the biggest lie you tell yourself?

That I could easily win American Idol. 

What was the biggest struggle you have overcome? How did you overcome it?

Probably spring of 2020 when COVID hit… I was in the middle of transitioning from student teaching, graduating college, and looking for my first teaching job to navigating life as a first-year teacher. I went through a lot of big life changes all while there was a lot of “uncertainty” going on in our world, but I learned in the end everything always works out how it’s supposed to. 

If you won the lottery what would be the first three things you would do?

Pay off all my student loans, build a house, and buy a first-class ticket to the Maldives.

Which do you like more: receiving or giving gifts? Why?

It is always nice to receive a gift from someone because it reminds you that someone cares and is thinking about you, but I think I like giving gifts more. Giving gifts is one way I like showing my appreciation towards others, and it makes me feel good knowing I made someone happy when I give them the perfect gift… like when I gave Ms. Wainio chips and queso for her birthday! 😀

What differences do you see between your morning students to your afternoon ones?

My 1st block students are always sleepy and quiet, and my 3rd block students can be a tad hangry!

If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Queen Elizabeth II… because I’d love to know exactly what it's like to be the Queen of Great Britain! Fun fact: last time I was in London, I saw Queen Elizabeth and the entire Royal Family! 

Are you a dog or cat person?

Honestly, this is always a hard question for me to answer. I grew up with a cat and a dog, but I would probably have to go with dogs… especially golden retrievers! 

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