It's Time to Relax!

It's Time to Relax!

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels.

Sage Osesek

It is finally AP exam season, and everyone is cramming to know the material like the back of their hands. Even though it is important to study, make time for relaxation. Studying is only effective if your brain unwinds. Check out these activities to make your studying season more fulfilling and enjoyable! 

1. Bake 

Even if you think you are terrible at baking, try it again! Baking is one of the best ways to relax the mind. Try making bread recipes that require kneading and rising—I find that making bread is a satisfying experience that never fails to relieve stress! Use piping bags to decorate cupcakes and make fun designs for your baked goods. Remember to light a candle and listen to music while baking to complete the aesthetic. 

2. Yoga/meditation

Everyone advises you to practice yoga and meditate, but not many people take the suggestions seriously. However, take time in your day to find this peace. Coming back to your breath is vital for your mental health, and many people avoid this daily. Instead of going on social media for a break, find a meditative moment. If you are inexperienced, find a YouTube video! They are plentiful, and you will find a relaxing one that fits your needs! 

3. Go for a walk 

Close your books and go for a walk. Going for a walk in your neighborhood can be repetitive, so visit your favorite local park. Spring is coming, and the flowers are blooming. Enjoy nature and fresh air after the long winter. 

4. Listen to music 

People listen to music while studying, but separate your study music from your relaxation music to avoid negative associations. Sometimes classical music is all you need to unwind. There are many relaxing playlists on Spotify with ocean waves and nature sounds that help ease the mind! 

5. Listen to a podcast 

Find a podcast that best reflects your interests and find time to listen to it. There are plentiful Spotify podcasts with a wide variety of genres including drama or horror to get invested in. 

6.  Read a book

Sometimes, suspense books are helpful to forget your school worries—you will get so engrossed in the plot that school problems are lost. Other times, funny books that lack a plot are ideal. Find the book that fits your needs and lose yourself in this alternate world. 

It is always important to study, but allow time for relaxation. Try these activities to avoid excessive stress, and you will feel more refreshed during your tests!

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